I thought I'd post a few notable gash. I'll start it off with the legendary Miss Impulse. She's has the same status as the fastest gun in the west would have in years past. She's widely thought to have the hottest pussy on the net.

When you pickup a chick and take her home. There's the moment her pants come off.and it's a crap shoot. You don't know what you gonna get.....continued

You might find a thick brush pile that your dick's not long to smash through. She may have flappy discolored, purple piss flaps that you won't touch

The way I see it. these would all be welcome sites in that moment of chance, Trophies that you'd go back and fuck again....The kind you go around bragging about.

You could use this one as a bottle opener. It also serves as a handy knife sharpener on those camping trips. And don't forget to fuck it twice before bed.

This crafty chick put her hand next to her pussy so you could use it to gage size. It's like some fucking Himalayan explorer putting his pickaxe next to a bigfoot track.

Hey lady? Next time put a fucking pickaxe next to it.


This one thinks she's being original.... I want my picture taken upside down. Yeah, we already seen that.

I think she needs to be cued in. Nobody gives a fuck about your creativity or self expression. That pussy is the ONLY thing you have of any interest. If you didn't have that we have a bounty on you.

I've already purchased a burial plot for myself but this is where my dick wants to be buried. With all the times it's led me off of the path of righteousness, it's going straight to hell anyway

. I guess it's fitting to bury my dick in a box.

It's like a wishlist.Oooh! I'll take that one. Oh. look at that one, I'll bet it's expensive.
You could cover up that slit with dental floss. She's tighter than a greased fist.
The one above is an internet legend. It's been in circulation for well over 10 years. I've often wondered who the chick is.I want to think she's hot as hell to match that magnificent bastard of a pussy, but I'm guessing she's not a beauty queen.
Look at this marvelous site. I'm glad some son of a bitch had the good sense to capture an image of it. It only peeks it's head out once a year for a few seconds to see if it can see it's shadow.

Kissa Sins is the wife of porn legend Johnny Sins. .....Know your porn trivia. .....It might get you some skull if you run into a pornstar,..... but proably not.


Kissa Sins I would have to assume is an outstanding performer in the sack. Johnny Sins married her. He's slapped around a lot of pussy. Once again I'm going to stick my ass out the window here and assume he knows great pussy from good pussy.

She must have fucked him like an axe murderer to stand out from the others. Well done Kissa.

Kissa Sins, I love the faces she makes. You'd swear this guy had 2 feet of dick and it's as big around as a coffee can.

I've often wondered. When a man and his wife are out somewhere and they run across a pornstar. Does he say something? Like. hey I know you. You're Kissa Sins. He's kinda fucked if he does because his wife will surely ask him 'Who was that?" He'd say "Why that was pornstar Kissa Sins." in effect admitting that he'd been watching porn when he's in the man cave.

If he does that she will make his life a hellish fucking nighmare for the next 30 years or until A) He finally can take no more of her sick games and strangles her with the E string from his guitar. Or B) After spending all of his money and torching his car, he fashions a noose and hangs himself.


It's a little known fact that Spank The Butcher and porn legend Johnny Sins go way back.

Here's a picture of our last trip to France. He was so drunk he shit in the bathtub at our hotel. When he passed out I stuffed $10.00 worth of quarters up his ass. When he woke up he came running out of the bathroom screaming "We rich, we're rich" He thought he could shit quarters for the rest of his life.


Spank The Butcher with legendary pornstar Johnny Sins The trail of drunkeness and destruction they left behind them has earned these two a 10 year ban from France.


Valeri An, trophy fuck material. Much like hunting big game in the wild. Hunting cunt in the wild generally aims for the same goals. Spot a trophy and use your wits so that in the end you end up stuffing and mounting them.

I'll post more images of her tonight. Thank you for looking.

Tina Ross (Lauren Wilde) Retro Pornstar Hairy Pussy.


Aliases: Laurien Wilde, Tina Ross, Tina Ronnie, Tina Ashley, Christy Boyd, Lauren Summers

Lauren Wilde was a beautiful brunette porn star that made her mark in the adult industry at the dawn of the eighties. She made her first on screen appearance in 1982 when she was nineteen. Lauren went on to perform in around ten films during her triple-X career. Sadly, Lauren Wilde’s life was ended in a tragic car crash in 1984.


kawaiimomo7 Good for some heated action. Most men would see that body and be by all manners a non-reasoning primate.. I speak for myself when I say I would be unfit to be in the company of civilized human beings.


These chicks have beautiful pussies and they're posting them online for us to drool over. That's great for us but, that's not using that gift wisely. If I had a pussy like that, I'd be fucking until I had a mansion. That's right. Now there's solid planning for the future. Ok! Their poor life choices are our gain so..fuck em'.

Some of the posters from one of the big name sites online. Many of these sub-forum members are very hot. Many of them won't show their faces I suppose because they're somebody's neighbor, employee, relative, girlfriend, friend or maybe even teacher.

 It's sadly ironic but many of these girls are famous online. Some of them uploaded nude images of themselves that went viral. Most of the hot ones have huge worldwide followings. All of that notoriety and nobody knows who they are.


Candice Dare has widely been known for her incredibly hot ass. As this GIF shows, she hs a luscious and highly fuckable pussy as well.

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